How To Improve Memory For Studying

Memory is the power or process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and retained especially through associative mechanisms is called memory. In cognitive psychology, memory is usually divided into three storage systems, sensory, short term, and long term.

Sensory Memory

The sensory memory retains an exact copy of what is seen or heard i.e visual and auditory. It lasts for a few seconds.

Short Term Memory

The short term memory is often stored as sounds, especially in recalling words but stored as images. It works just like the computer’s RAM. It is vulnerable to interruption or interference.

Long Term Memory

This is relatively permanent storage. Information is stored on the basis of meaning and importance.

Whether you are a student, housewife or layman memory is important in the life of a human to make the cycle of life work. Students whether in school, college or university need to understand and apply knowledge as just rote information will be of least help, in the long run. A strong memory is a must to recall ideas, arguments, and theories in your subject area. When exams knock your door you tend to become super nervous and only a strong memory can come to the rescue. To achieve this you need to practice active revision and not passive revision. Active revision is all about understanding and using the information, testing your knowledge and use it to construct something while passive revision is just learning rote or memorizing without really understanding the subject matter. Sleep patterns and diet affect your memory. Sleep strengthens relevant associations and weakens the irrelevant ones, improving your access to memory. AHow To Improve lack of sleep can disrupt processing speed, long term memory, and emotional stability. Cutting the sleep hours can hurt concentration which in turn can impact your memory.7-8 hours of sleep is a must for the smooth functioning of the brain which in turn affects your memory. Similarly, food also plays a vital role in developing a sharp memory. An increase in sugar can lead to the crash of the brain so avoid sugar-rich foods like soda, refined flour. Go for fresh veggies and healthy fats and antioxidant-rich foods. Never forget to hydrate your body with sufficient water intake. Eat regularly and don’t starve. Regular exercise or a simple 15 minutes walk helps in the sufficient oxygen supply which in turn helps the brain to function well. A healthy brain will function efficiently. More efficient the functioning of the brain sharper will be the memory.

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Tips for improving memory during studying:

  1. Learn with focused attention or concentration as concentration helps in converting the short term memory into long term memory.
  2. Inculcate the habit of reading regularly rather than becoming the last moment marathon runner. Students who read regularly and consistently remember things better.
  3. Stay organized during the learning process. You can do so by organizing and structuring the study materials.
  4. Use mnemonic devices technique to aid in recall. A mnemonic is simply a way to remember information by associating a term to remember with a common item.
  5. Visualize concepts with charts or figures. You can create your own. Many benefit from visualizing the information they study.
  6. Do not disturb the sleep patterns as a good sleep increases concentration and hence memory.
  7. Eat well and exercise properly.
  8. Indulge in group studies.
  9. Take study breaks. They are a must.

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