Fascinating Ways on How to Write a Hook for Your Essay


Do you know what a hook is all about? A hook is a statement that grabs the attention of the readers who would want to read your essay. This is an igniting statement that sparks the curiosity and interest of readers who would go through your essay from start to finish. In short, this is the opening sentence of your essay.

Good hooks differentiate ace graders from mediocre ones. The statement is called a hook as this opening one-liner derives the attention and interest in the minds of audiences to know what the essay is all about.

It is always the best idea to start a hook statement with the question. This way, audiences are able to visualize the essay genre and relate more likely to what you are trying to say. Therefore, when you coin good hooks for essays, you create a Wow impression in the minds of your readers right from the start.

What is the purpose of a hook statement?

You may have now understood the conceptual meaning and a deeper understanding of what a hook statement is. You have seen how the hook statement catches the attention of your readers and audiences like wildfire.

Now, let us understand the exact purpose that explains why good hooks represent the anchor points of any given essay topic. Helping you get started with the same:

1.   Creation of curiosity and intrigue

When you start the hook statement with a question or with a memorable quote, you immediately trigger the curiosity of audiences, wherein they would want to know what the essay is all about. The statement can actually keep the audience hooked to the essay.

2.   Putting an emotional connect on your audiences

When you draw up an invigorating hook statement, you invariably build an emotional connection with your audience. In a way, they are able to relate themselves to the theme of the essay. Therefore, you drive home the correct set of ideas in the minds of your audiences.

3.   Establishing the right kind of tone and direction for your essay

The hook statement invariably acts as an anchor point based on which you create the core theme for the essay. When you add good hooks, you are able to establish the right kind of tone for your essay.

In other words, you help your audiences navigate or transition seamlessly to the other parts of the essay. A hook for the essay, therefore, provides the right kind of direction for your essay.

4.   Setting stage for the main argument or the narrative

When you discover what a hook is and when you start the essay with the right kind of hook statement, you invariably help your audiences to identify the need and purpose behind why the topic is taken up for discussion in the first place. This way, you set the stage for the central argument or disclose the narrative for the essay more compellingly.

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5.   Creating a wonderful impression on the minds of audiences right there from the scratch

The more effective your hook statement for the essay is, the more precise you are able to reveal the theme of the essay. You create that first impression in a wonderfully splendid manner indeed. And this way, you create that ‘Wow’ effect on your readers right from the beginning. The hook statement is the one that does it all for you.

6.   Helping the writers captivate audiences

Above all, a cleverly determined hook statement creates a mind-captivating impression on the minds of audiences. For most of us, the first impression is the best. Therefore, when you logically make the hook statement, you create a spellbound impact on the minds of your audiences. And your readers are hooked to reading the essay from beginning to end.

How do you draft a proper hook statement for your essay topic/ How to write a hook

If you have a look at it, a proper introduction comprises the hook statement followed by the thesis statement. The hook acts like the teaser trailer for the movie wherein you intrigue the minds of your audiences and grab their attention in favor of your essay topic. Now, here are a few important pointers on how you point to the hook statement in a precise and logical manner.

  1. You must understand the concept of the essay. Here, you must decipher the theme of the essay. Reading it multiple times helps you gather info on what the core theme of the essay is all about.
  2. Then, the next step involved is to identify the type of audience who would want to read your essay. Here, it would help if you created a hook in such a way that you are able to touch upon the audience’s independent interests and initiatives creatively.
  3. The hook statement must clearly define the scope and meaning of your essay.

If you keep these three things in mind, then creating an effective hook statement becomes an easy cakewalk after all.

40 Hook Examples for you to learn and understand

We are presenting 40 hook examples under different essay genres.

1.   Question style hooks

Here, you curate the hook statement in the form of a question. Helping you with examples under this particular genre:

  1. Did you know that there is a more straightforward way of solving this Math problem?
  1. What is your understanding of the term ‘Industrial Revolution?’
  1. Can you tell me the purpose of your visit here?
  1. Do you love traveling to exotic locations covering Canada and Niagara?
  1. Do you know what differentiates successful colleagues from the unsuccessful ones?
  1. Are you ready to challenge yourselves and bring the best version of you?
  1. Do you think robots and humans can co-exist on the planet peacefully?
  1. Are you tired of the same old recipes? Would you love adding new makeovers to what you otherwise prepare?
  1. Do you have kids who ace their grades all the time but are still unhappy about themselves?
  2. What is your understanding of the term ‘Information Technology?’

2. Statistical Hooks

Here are few hook examples that explain statistical analysis and interpretation. Let us find out how the statistical hooks are created.

  1. Statistics reveal that two-thirds of American adolescents are obese and suffer heart-attacks before they turn 23.
  1. Did you know that 8 out of 10 start up entrepreneurs fail in their attempt the first time of their business venture?
  1. Medical research has recently indicated the incidence of Cancers among growing children.
  1. Did you know that recent survey studies done by the Times magazine reveals that the average time a youngster spends on social media is almost 2 hours 22 minutes in a day?
  1. Did you know that 75 percent of your daily communication is non-verbal?
  1. Did you know that 70 % of consumers rely on consumer reviews before making their purchases?
  1. Did you realize that 80% of car accidents are done due to distracted driving?
  1. Did you know two-thirds of developed countries rely on online shopping over shopping at retail establishments?
  1. Did you know that robots and drones are going to replace 80% of the jobs done by humans at the end of 2050?
  2. Did you know that 60% of Nutella comprises of sugar and not healthy additives?

3. Anecdotal Hooks

Here are a few examples of anecdotal hooks. Let us see how the statements under this genre are being curated:

  1. If you want instructions in English, press 1. For instructions in a language of your choice, press 2”.
  2. Picture this: “The snowflakes are gently falling from the sky and little did I realize as to that day is going to change my life forever”.
  3. I still remember the day when my grandmother’s kitchen was filled with the aroma of freshly baked cookies and it was the very day that was going to change my life forever”.
  4. It was a busy drive inside the bullet train when a stranger handed me crisp homemade chocolates without expecting anything in return. That was the day that restored in me the faith of humanity!”
  5. “As I had stepped on my dias for the very first time, the flash light was focused right into my eyes, the heart pounded faster for the very first time. In my mind, it was filled with a mix of anguish, excitement and fear. That was the day I had seen fears hit out at me so vividly”.
  6. “When I visited the New York City for the very time, I was not that conversant with native American English. However, I had received unexpected help from other immigrants and native Americans that had made my life more comfortable at the bustling city that never sleeps”.
  7. The gruff voice in his throat made me skip my heart beat at that moment. That was when I had realized that it was my own father who was trying to speak to me!”
  8. Look at the rounded and twisted tail of that elephant in the jungle. Its little cubs keep leaning on it as the elephant marches itself slowly and gradually through the bushes”.
  9. Hurry up ‘said the hasty Tony to his little sister Rita while they were getting ready for their cousin’s prom in high school.
  1. “The deep-pitched voice of the doctor revealed the depth of knowledge he had in his memory!”.

4. Argumentative Essay hooks

Here are examples for hooks that are done for argumentative essays. Let us find out how this is being done:

  1. According to the World Health Organization, more than 5 million patients die of tobacco which is 20 percent more than HIV/AIDS, Malaria and TB put together!”
  1. It is always better to rely on smart work using technology aids as against doing your office via manual ledgers. The software causes fewer mistakes in errors and omissions as compared to that of real-time humans.
  1. Technology is more of a bane than a boon as young kids are found glued to their digital devices while this was never the case with yester year children who were exposed to more of outdoor play.
  1. We must instill manners and etiquette to Gen Z millennials over bookish knowledge as that is the trait that missing in most of the present generation kids. Our parents gave us a strict upbringing and therefore the previous generation counterparts are more polite and respectful with their friends, colleagues and business partners.
  1. We must always compare apples to apples and not apples to lower grade fruits. In the context, the more meritorious ones must be compared with counterparts of their equals and not lesser.
  1. Beauty is skin deep while your soul is eternal and therefore we must build the character traits of our children over showing them made-up all the time.
  1. We all live in a world of fallacy wherein Artificial Intelligence shows more empathy over our fellow human beings. This situation must surely change for the better.
  1. Computers and technology must be replaced with manual methods of doing stuff as it is the easy work that is making human beings lazier than ever before.
  1. Religion must not be confused with spirituality as religion refers to worship of a god while spirituality lies at communicating with your heart and soul in a succulent manner.
  1. Hormonal imbalances are caused as today’s youth fail to understand what types of foods are good for their bodies and what it is not. The sugar coated donuts are more harmful over a bowl of fresh fruits.

Concluding lines to Remember

We have seen the overall scope and purpose behind why hooks are created for every essay. Practical examples have also been discussed with you in a nutshell. Hook statements can be made for persuasive and conclusive tones, too. Just like how you start the essay with a hook, you can also end the essay with a mind-provoking thought. This way, you create that lasting impression on the minds of your audiences.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1.   Do I have to necessarily create a hook for my essay?

Answer: Yes, you have to start your essay with a hook. It would help if you created the hook to generate interest and curiosity in the minds of audiences on what you are trying to convey. Apparently, a good hook also creates that wow effect on the minds of audiences in an instant flash.

2.   Can Surprise hooks leave the audiences actually surprised?

Answer: Surprise hooks are yet another genre of hook statements that you create at the start of the essay. It defies popular myths or regular conventions that people usually have. Here is an example of a Surprise hook:

“Forget about what you know about time management. The productivity of humans lies in working less over working more!”

3.   Can I create compelling hooks for all types of essays?

Answer: Yes, you can create compelling hooks for every type of essay. Whether you want to curate an Argumentative Essay, Opinion style essay, Two-point essay, Cause and effect essay, or other forms of essays.

You can read renowned blogs of well-known authors so that you can master the art of creating compelling hooks according to the genre of the essay.

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4.   What are the 7 types of essays we have?

Answer: These are the 7 types of essays you can think of writing

  1. Opinion Style Essays
  2. Agree- disagree essays
  3. Advantages- disadvantages essays
  4. Cause and effect essays
  5. Two point essays
  6. Combination style essays and
  7. Problem- Solution essays

5. Can I have my hook a lengthy statement?

Answer: A hook statement covers 2-3 lines of the essay, and these are the opening lines of the essay. A hook statement can be brief. A crisp statement is what hooks audiences better. You can explain your stance via a thesis statement. And then, you cover a line on what you are planning to do in the essay.

6. Describe the various components that are used while you draw up an introductory paragraph for your essays?

Answer: These are the following aspects of Introduction.

  1. Hook statement
  2. Thesis
  3. Follow-up action or plan for the rest of the essay
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