How To Write An Essay

Well, what actually is an essay? An essay is a piece of writing on any particular subject. It is simply putting one’s thoughts into writing. According to Aldous Huxley, a leading essayist an essay is a literary device for saying almost everything about, almost anything. There are different styles of essay writing. They can be cause and effect, classification and division, compare and contrast, descriptive, expository, dialectic, exemplification, familiar, history, narrative, argumentative or reflective. A good quality essay usually adorns an eye-catching title, followed by a thought-provoking topic, flawless grammar and excellent vocabulary. With all these ingredients the essay can turn into a delectable optical treat for the readers and keep them glued. The key lies in channeling the thoughts in an organized manner with proper formatting and without a trace of plagiarism

Structure Of An Essay

An essay can be divided into three parts.


The Introduction:

The introduction should be brief supporting the body of the essay. It should be appropriate and alluring to the readers. The readers should be wanting to read more. You can include a proverb, quote, a quotation to make it catchy. The introduction can be simply a sentence or a small paragraph.

The Body Of The Essay:

The secret of a good essay is the arrangement of the body of the essay. The body of the essay should be in paragraphs that are well constructed supporting your topic. Keep it clear, concise and convincing. Express what needs to be said without beating around the bush. The body of the essay can be divided into well-constructed paragraphs. Avoid usage of unnecessary words and repetition of words. Avoid spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. If you are thinking of incorporating quotes in your essay, do it strategically and use them with accuracy and clarity. Quotes do the task of strengthening your argument making it more persuasive. Write in a simple, concise, clear manner and do not imitate any author’s style. Be yourself and let your words paint the picture. “True ease in writing comes from art, not chance”  Poet Pope.

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The Conclusion:

The conclusion should be the summation of the important points of the essay. It should be effective and satisfying and not weak and abrupt. The conclusion should bring closure to the topic. In short, a simple and precise conclusion will be the icing on the cake

Important Points To Remember:

Before submitting the essay things you need to cross-check. Pay attention to the small details.

  • Check the order of the paragraphs.
  • Review the instructions for your essay and ensure they follow the prescribed format.
  • Reread your essay and check what you have written. Check if it makes sense.
  • Look out for silly spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
  • We suggest keeping idioms and phrases memorized and use diligently in your essay.

Thus essay writing is an art and not a mission impossible.

With patience and practice, you can master it and if you need any help with an essay you can always reach our experts. Happy writing folks!!!!!


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