I Missed An Assignment In College

College life can be an exciting experience for many people. Students learn to deal with various issues, such as living away from home, settling in a novel learning environment and making new friends. One thing that tops the list among college life perks – assignments. Here are two approaches you must take if you ever faced the situation, “OMG! I missed an assignment in college.”

Reach Out To Your Professor

Instead of panicking on missing your assignment, reach out to your professor as soon as possible. If you have a genuine reason for missing the assignment, be open and frank about it. If, instead, you have missed an assignment due to negligence, seek an extension from the professor. Usually, college-level professors are choir flexible in allowing students to make up for missed assignments. You may request an extension suitable enough for you to get the best work done. However, make sure you do not become too lazy and miss upon the extension.

Consult Your Classmates

Missing upon an assignment may result in you losing up on vital information taught in the lesson. This issue may hurt your grade. Thus, contact your friends and peers as soon as possible to get the notes and details from the missed assignment.


Unlike what many perceive, missing an assignment in college is not a gruesome sin. Instead, it’s natural given the burden one may have in college life. Try the above strategies to get back into the game as soon as you can!

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