Why SEO Is Important For Your Business?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. It means ensuring that your website is seen by search engines (computer programs -algorithms – that decide whether a site should be delivered as a search result) and understood correctly by them. Here are Objectives Of Digital Marketing .

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) has become a crucial part of Internet Marketing to ensure that your website is easily found by potential new customers conducting searches on major search engines , and this is achieved by improving your rankings. Your rankings relates to the position that your website appears in search engine listing pages when a user performs a search using a phrase related to your product or nice. The trick is to appear as high in the listing as you can, resulting in a steady flow of FREE traffic .


The most important aspect here is location. If you chose a geographical target market within your descriptive keywords in the Message Map, you’re doing well. If not, it’s time to start thinking about where your potential customers are. If you’re marketing a content-heavy website, your target market might be the whole world. Offering a service or product which does not require much additional labour every time you make a sale. Examples includes a website or blog which carries advertising and any product which can be sold over the web. Businesses that thrive on scalability include Amazon, Google,etc. Here are Objectives Of Digital Marketing.

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What Are the Overall Goals of My Business?

The fundamental goal of your business is to make money by selling a product or service. But let’s take a moment to define your goals in a little more detail. Perhaps yours is a large company with branding as an important long-term goal. Maybe your company wants to make money with certain products but is willing to take a loss in other areas. Maybe you are starting up with investor backing and don’t need to turn a profit for years. You may be working toward 2,000 small sales this year or be thrilled to get just 3 new clients. Whatever way you’re leaning, your business goals will affect your SEO campaign strategy. Spend some time clicking around your website. You should be able
to tell which of the features in the preceding list are included. How well is each component doing its job? For now, think in terms of presentation and functionality.

Who Do I Want to Visit My Website?

Using your Goals, describe your target audience with as much detail as possible: professional status, technical vs. nontechnical (this will affect how they search or even which engines they use), age, workplace vs. home users, and geographic locality. Knowing your target audiences will help you make important decisions—such as keyword choices and budget for paid listings—when you start your SEO campaign.

What do search engines want?

How do they decide what to rank, and where? Any honest SEO expert out there, if you get them in a back room (and after they have searched you for hidden microphones), will tell you that we really don’t know exactly what the search engines want. What the search engines say they want basically one thing: user experience. They want their users to have a good experience. This is where exactly what they want becomes less relevant. The landscape of the Internet today The sheer massiveness of Google is mind-boggling. According to the latest statistics, Google has roughly 66 per cent of the search market in the US.

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Yahoo and Bing (Microsoft), which have to some extent now joined forces, have a combined share of around 28–9 per cent. Google is
therefore twice as big as the two next largest competitors combined. For international searches, this number is even larger. In the UK, for instance, Google has a market share of over 90 percent, with all the other search engines scrabbling around for the
scraps. Google owns not only ‘regular search’ but also ‘video search’ (it owns YouTube, the third most searched site in the world) and
‘image search’. It also dominates ‘map search’ and looking for local businesses. If you look for it online, Google probably has you covered. This is therefore where you should focus your SEO effort. While focusing on optimizing your site for Google, make sure you are also indexed by Bing and Yahoo. Making your site more Google compliant will make your site more Bing compliant, because both are really just looking for the same thing and, with Bing serving up the search results for Yahoo as well as themselves, it cuts down your workload even more.

“WordPress SEO Success” Principles :

People complain that SEO is always changing. From a technology and tactical standpoint, this is true. But here are the principles in SEO. Use these regardless of timing and technology changes:

1. Identifying objectives and focusing on strategy more than tactics is critical! Always be clear what your SEO strategic objectives are.
2. SEO plans, social media use, and blogging. The more you do,the more content you have.
3. Continually blogging and generating fresh, honest, original web and social content—these are the ones that search engines will reward .
4. Content is king. Search engines love good, unique, but relevant content. The more such content, the better (not exceeding page word count maximums or page-load times).
5. Write for your readers, not for search engines if, for no other reason, you’ll get better rankings from having more readers that are reading more of your content.

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Is WordPress Better (or Easier) for SEO?

With technological advancement, anything is possible. But when deep programming functionality is the goal, SEO flexibility is often sacrifice. In other words, hard-core programmers build web technologies to meet programming goals, not SEO ones. WordPress is not only unusually SEO-friendly, it often makes SEO execution easier than other platforms, including traditional HTML sites! Traditionally, good SEO has meant “needs to get into the code” of HTML or other language websites. So many SEOs have to know a bit of code, and many developers know a bit of SEO.

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